Translation Industry Blog and  Translation Tips

Insight and tips from translation experts

Our translation blog brings you industry insight, translation tips and tidbits.


Deal or No Deal? - Merger & Acquisition Translations

This week saw the publication of an interesting report on merger and acquisition activity from the globa...

Business Class

These are interesting times for the travel industry. Whether you’re pondering travel restrictions, price...

City Lights

Delegates at this week’s IoT Expo at Olympia took time to discuss the cities of tomorrow. These cities a...

An Internet of People

Online activity dominates our lives to such an extent that it’s easy to forget just how early we are in ...

Start Me Up

SME innovation is the lifeblood of an economy, and each January offers two high profile showcases of tha...

Somebody else's job

Next week’s IoT Tech Expo at Olympia brings together an impressive list of industry leaders and thought ...

What draws Land Rover to sailing?

It’s no surprise to find Jaguar Land Rover supporting the 2017 London Boat Show, not only as an exhibito...

The Answer to Tomorrow's Challenges

A century ago the automotive industry changed our way of life. Within a few short years, cars became wid...

Your Brand Deserves Performance

Motor Racing teams tend to play by the same rules. One team, two drivers, identical equipment.But the sa...

Don’t understand it? Then don’t translate it

Fans of the Simpsons may recall an early episode that saw Homer design a new car for his brother’s autom...

Ten Billion Reasons

Sailing and maritime products and services are supplied by over 5,000 businesses in Britain, employing 9...

We Asked, You Answered

You don’t get far by ignoring your customers, and we consult with ours at every opportunity.

Keeping your oceans blue

Industrial innovation sometimes comes at a price to the environment, and our business leaders don’t alwa...

And the winner is...

December is always a busy time for awards ceremonies, with one industry after another choosing their sta...

Accurate and Secure – in any language

Connected devices on this planet already comfortably outnumber people, and the basic concept of the Inte...

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